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Call Proverbs - page 2
Alligator shouldn' call hog long mout.
Jamaican Proverb
Me no call you no come.
Jamaican Proverb
Man noh dead, noh call ‘im duppy.
Jamaican Proverb
As the call, so the echo.
Vietnamese Proverb
The forest will answer you in the way you call to it.
Finnish Proverb
If you call a piece of wood ‘child', you can never use it to light fire since it has become so precious.
Rwandan Proverb
We only call our friends if we need help, and we don't help our friends in need.
Indonesian Proverb
You may call me even a pot, just don't put me into the oven.
Russian Proverb
Call a pot, just don't put into the oven.
Russian Proverb
Call the bear "uncle” till you are safe across the bridge.
Turkish Proverb
As the call, so the echo.
Spanish Proverb
Call me not fortunate till you see me buried.
Spanish Proverb
When three people call you an ass, put on a bridle.
Spanish Proverb
Don't call me a little olive until you've picked me.
Spanish Proverb
Don't worry if people call you ordinary - only if you are ordinary.
Spanish Proverb
Unless you call out, who will open the door?
Ethiopian Proverb
Speak plain -- call bread bread, and wine wine.
Mexican Proverb
They call their aunt only when her cucumbers are ripe.
Myanmar Proverb
Where there is a friend, one does not have to call, he will come of his own accord.
Lamba Proverb
In sweet converse call the righteous to thy side, learn a healing song while thou livest.
Norse Proverb
When yuh see a man fishing in a dry pond don't call he a fool.
Bajan Proverb
Where there is a friend, one does not have to call, he will come of his own accord.
Bantu Proverb