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Doctor Proverbs - page 2
Every invalid is a doctor.
Irish Proverb
It is not the time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead.
Irish Proverb
Never consult a doctor who has never been ill himself.
Greek Proverb
God heals, and the doctor gets the money.
Portuguese Proverb
Of doctor and crazy, we all have a little.
Portuguese Proverb
If you have a friend who is a doctor, then send him to your enemy's house.
Portuguese Proverb
A doctor will take care of the rich man; the poor man is cured with work.
Polish Proverb
Better no doctor at all than three.
Polish Proverb
The doctor demands his fees whether he has killed the illness or the patient.
Polish Proverb
An old patient is better than a new doctor.
Hindi Proverb
A doctor is only a doctor when he has killed one or two patients.
Hindi Proverb
A doctor and a clown know more than a doctor alone.
Italian Proverb
A living ass is better than a dead doctor.
Italian Proverb
Better a living donkey than a dead doctor.
Italian Proverb
God heals and the doctor has the thanks.
Italian Proverb
No good doctor ever takes physic.
Italian Proverb
The doctor seldom takes physic.
Italian Proverb
A cold needs the cook as much as the doctor.
Scottish Proverb
God cures, and the doctor gets the money.
Dutch Proverb
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
French Proverb
If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; if he kills, the earth hides it.
Russian Proverb
If you have a friend who is a doctor, make your bow and send him to the house of your enemy.
Spanish Proverb