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Body Proverbs - page 3
The mind is the emperor of the body.
Chinese Proverb
When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.
Chinese Proverb
A man need never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his own door.
Chinese Proverb
Easier to bend the body than the will.
Chinese Proverb
The body pays for a slip of the foot, and gold pays for a slip of the tongue.
Malay Proverb
The raised hand cares not for its own recognition, but for that of the body below.
African Proverb
When your leg is sinking your whole body should fill it.
African Proverb
Not everything on the body that swells is a boil.
African Proverb
He that fought the lion must surely have the lion's claws in his body.
African Proverb
To bow the body is easy, to bow the will is hard.
English Proverb
Death is a shadow that always follows the body.
English Proverb
A little body doth often harbour a great soul.
Arabic Proverb
If the camel once get his nose in the tent, his body will follow.
Arabic Proverb
When the wolf's ears appear, his body is not far off.
Danish Proverb
Eating and drinking holds body and soul together.
German Proverb
Doctors purge the body, ministers the conscience, lawyers the purse.
German Proverb
Sickly body, sickly mind.
German Proverb
A spared body only goes twenty-four hours further that another.
Bengali Proverb
Better a sick body than an ignorant mind.
Greek Proverb
An healthy mind for an healthy body.
Portuguese Proverb
In healthy body healthy spirit.
Polish Proverb
It is worse to be sick in the soul than in body.
Polish Proverb