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Purse Proverbs - page 2
Who has no money in his purse must have honey in his mouth.
Italian Proverb
Your wife's eyes are in your purse.
Romanian Proverb
Words do not fill your purse.
Lithuanian Proverb
An empty purse can't stand alone and a full purse can't bend.
Corsican Proverb
If you want to eat freshly caught fish, you don't want to have a tight purse.
Sicilian Proverb
A friend is better than money in the purse.
Dutch Proverb
He who pays well is master of another man's purse.
Dutch Proverb
It is easy to be liberal out of another man's purse.
Dutch Proverb
Light gains make a heavy purse.
Dutch Proverb
He that has not money in his purse should have honey in his mouth.
French Proverb
Giving alms never lessens the purse.
Spanish Proverb
A blow to another's purse is like a blow to a mountain of sand.
Egyptian Proverb
Virtue carries an empty purse.
Japanese Proverb
He that has no silver in his purse, should have silver on his tongue.
Chinese Proverb
Industry keeps the body healthy, . . . and the purse full.
American Proverb
Ye canna mak a silk purse out o' a sow's lug.
English Proverb
Friends tie thier purse with a cobweb thread.
English Proverb
Thrift is a great revenue. a little, often, leaves wrinkles in the purse.
English Proverb
A heart free from care is better than a full purse.
Arabic Proverb
All water flows into the ocean or into the purse of the rich.
Danish Proverb
Alms do not empty the purse, and a mass does not exhaust the day's duty.
Danish Proverb
Take off your hat quickly but slowly take hold of your purse.
Danish Proverb