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Purse Proverbs
Laughing wife, crying purse.
South American Proverb
You are worth as much as your purse.
Berber Proverb
A heavy purse makes a light heart.
English Proverb
Ask thy purse what thou should'st buy.
Arabic Proverb
When I have money in my purse, I have food in my mouth.
Danish Proverb
Justice oft leans to the side where the purse pulls.
Danish Proverb
You cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
German Proverb
A dainty stomach beggars the purse.
German Proverb
Let your purse be your master.
German Proverb
The best way to keep loyalty in a man's heart is to keep money in his purse.
Irish Proverb
The heavier the purse, the lighter the heart.
Irish Proverb
You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Irish Proverb
An empty purse, and a finished house, make a man wise, but too late.
Portuguese Proverb
Open your purse, and I will open my mouth.
Portuguese Proverb
He who has four and spends five, has no need of a purse.
Portuguese Proverb
Let not the bottom of your purse or of your mind be seen.
Portuguese Proverb
An empty purse frights away friends.
Portuguese Proverb
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Portuguese Proverb
Moderate profits fill the purse.
Italian Proverb
It is the petty expenses that empty the purse.
Italian Proverb
A beautiful woman smiling, bespeaks a purse weeping.
Italian Proverb
It is the small expenses that empty your purse.
Italian Proverb