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Hole Proverbs - page 2
A Word makes no hole, a pinch tears no underskirt.
Bulgarian Proverb
The wise man sits on the hole in his carpet.
Persian Proverb
The rat that knows but one hole is soon caught.
Portuguese Proverb
The rat which has but one hole is soon caught.
Portuguese Proverb
Carve the peg only after studying the hole.
Korean Proverb
The person who knows himself and his opponent will be invincible. Carve a peg only after you have observed the hole.
Korean Proverb
Carve the peg by looking at the hole.
Korean Proverb
A greedy mek fly follow coffin go a hole.
Jamaican Proverb
Cuss-cuss never bore hole a man' kin.
Jamaican Proverb
I cow dod did know how him troat hole ton him wouldn't chance pear seed.
Jamaican Proverb
Who takes care of a widow's ‘hole' will inherit the heavenly kingdom.
Estonian Proverb
It's easier to tear a hole than to mend one.
Russian Proverb
The mouse that only trusts to one poor hole, Can never be a mouse of any soul.
Spanish Proverb
Like a fish, one should look for a hole in the net.
Samoan Proverb
Sharing a secret with a rogue is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.
Ethiopian Proverb
Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying a grain in a bag with a hole in it.
Ethiopian Proverb
The rat who only knows about one hole will soon be caught by the cat.
Mexican Proverb
Don't go selling the hide while the bear remains in the hole.
Yugoslav Proverb
Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.
Nilotic Proverb
The mouse says: I dig a hole without a hoe; the snake says: I climb a tree without arms.
Basonge Proverb
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
Cowboy Proverb
A joke is often the hole through which truth whistles.
Japanese Proverb