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Sure Proverbs - page 2
Keep within compass and you may be sure, That you will not suffer what others endure.
German Proverb
To spend much and gain little is the sure road to ruin.
German Proverb
No matter who comes off well, the peacemaker is sure to come off ill.
Irish Proverb
Better be sure than sorry.
Irish Proverb
To the fighting man peace is sure.
Irish Proverb
Never call a Kerry man a fool until you're sure he's not a rogue.
Irish Proverb
What is true is no more sure than the probable.
Greek Proverb
It befits the king to be liberal, for he is sure of never falling into poverty.
Portuguese Proverb
Be sure not to owe anything to the rich, and don't lend anything to the poor.
Portuguese Proverb
Slow and sure.
Icelandic Proverb
Our good life sure is there for us, unless we learned some bad conduct in our home as children.
Icelandic Proverb
If you marry a young woman, make sure your friends stay outside.
Ukrainian Proverb
No one so sure but he may miss.
Dutch Proverb
They who fight with golden weapons are pretty sure to prove they are right.
Dutch Proverb
Ice in spring is treacherous; new friendships are seldom sure.
Russian Proverb
Where the river makes a sound, you can be sure it's carrying water.
Mexican Proverb
Never cheat a klingon... Unless your sure you can get away with it.
Klingon Proverb
IF you are buying a cow, make sure that the price of the tail is included.
Asian-indian Proverb
He who provokes a war must be sure that he knows how to fight.
Tongan Proverb
Slow but sure wins the race.
Traditional Proverb
Make sure better than cock-sure.
Bajan Proverb
Be sure that the candle is lit before you throw away the match.
Creole Proverb