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Belly Proverbs
An empty belly hears nobody.
English Proverb
The well-filled belly has little understanding of the empty.
Irish Proverb
‘My belly thinks my throat is cut,' as the hungry man said.
Irish Proverb
A fat belly did not invent gun powder.
Greek Proverb
The belly does not accept bail.
Portuguese Proverb
The most extensive land is the human belly.
Rwandan Proverb
A priest's belly is made up of several sheepskins.
Russian Proverb
The belly has no ears.
English Proverb
He who has a back is not beaten on the belly.
Egyptian Proverb
If the State is going to fall, it is from the belly.
Namibian Proverb
An empty belly has no ears.
Senegalese Proverb
Good news crawls on its belly; bad news has wings.
Darkovan Proverb
If the skin of your belly is tight, the skin of your eyelids can sleep.
Japanese Proverb
Don't eat the calf in the cow's belly.
English Proverb
There's no putting off a lie upon the belly.
German Proverb
Promises don't fill the belly.
German Proverb
A hungry belly hears nobody.
Portuguese Proverb
The belly warm, the foot at rest.
Portuguese Proverb
Ill befal the belly that forgets eaten bread.
Portuguese Proverb
A whistling priest has a demon in his belly.
Polish Proverb
The full belly does not believe in hunger.
Italian Proverb
If it were not for the belly, the back might wear gold.
Italian Proverb