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Known Proverbs - page 4
With the hammer's blows the defects become known.
Sicilian Proverb
The tree is known by its fruit.
Dutch Proverb
The workman is known by his work.
Dutch Proverb
Friends are known in time of need.
Dutch Proverb
Tell no one what you would have known only to yourself.
Dutch Proverb
The worth of a thing is best known by the want.
Dutch Proverb
A friend is known in time of need.
French Proverb
The meaning is best known to the speaker.
French Proverb
In the end it will be known who ate the bacon.
French Proverb
The wine is not known by the hoops.
French Proverb
Many are esteemed, only because they are not known.
French Proverb
The brave is known by his fame.
Turkish Proverb
Men can acquire knowledge, but not wisdom. Some of the greatest fools ever known were learned men.
Spanish Proverb
Let them whip me in the market-place, provided it be not known at home.
Spanish Proverb
They may whip me in the market-place, so it be not known at home.
Spanish Proverb
As the tree is known by its fruit, so is the wicked man by his deeds.
Latin Proverb
It is soon known which trees will bear fruit.
Latin Proverb
A carpenter is known by his chips.
Latin Proverb
A workman is known by his chips.
French Proverb
A fool may be known by six things anger, without cause speech, without profit change, without progress inquiry, without object putting trust in a stranger, and mistaking foes for friends.
Traditional Proverb
The ignorant think the Self can be known by the intellect, but the illumined know he is beyond the duality of the knower and the known.
Traditional Proverb
The lion is known by the scratch of his claws.
Gaelic Proverb