Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Known Proverbs
A man is known by the company he keeps.
Armenian Proverb
What is inside a package is known only to its owner.
Kiganda Proverb
A good archer is not known by his arrows, but his aim.
English Proverb
Comfort is not known if poverty does not come before it.
Irish Proverb
Allah preserve us from ‘If only I'd known!'.
Nigerian Proverb
A secret between two is god's secret; a secret between three is known to all.
Mexican Proverb
The weight of the burden is known only by he who caries it.
Moroccan Proverb
A bull is not known in two herds.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Good perfume is known by its scent rather than by the perfumer's advertisement.
Afghan Proverb
A bird is known by his note and a man by his talk.
American Proverb
A man is known to be mortal by two things, sleep and lust.
English Proverb
When the reason is known, there will be no more shock.
Arabic Proverb
Had I known is a poor man.
German Proverb
A disease known is half cured.
Irish Proverb
It is not a secret if it is known by three people.
Irish Proverb
About evening a man is known.
Irish Proverb
A friend's fault should be known but not abhorred.
Portuguese Proverb
Friends are known in adversity.
Portuguese Proverb
A friend is not known till he is lost.
Italian Proverb
Beware of "Had I but known.”.
Italian Proverb
The good seaman is known in bad weather.
Italian Proverb
By their marks the bales are known.
Italian Proverb