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Soul Proverbs - page 4
When you enter a great enterprise, free your soul from weakness.
Ukrainian Proverb
You can wash your body but not your soul.
Yiddish Proverb
A wounded soul is difficult to heal.
Yiddish Proverb
The body is a sponge, the soul an abyss.
Yiddish Proverb
Like soap for the body so are tears for the soul.
Yiddish Proverb
A healthy soul cannot live in a dry body.
French Proverb
Silence is the soul of all things.
French Proverb
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far place.
Russian Proverb
Heart with pepper, soul with garlic.
Russian Proverb
Habits don't expire until the soul expires.
Turkish Proverb
Hope won't be cut from the soul that has not expired.
Turkish Proverb
Sorrow is to the soul what the worm is to wood.
Turkish Proverb
What the abbot of Bamba cannot eat he gives away for the good of his soul.
Spanish Proverb
Let those pater nosters be for your own soul.
Spanish Proverb
My life and soul, but not my pack-saddle.
Spanish Proverb
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Latin Proverb
When the soul hungers, even bitter things taste sweet.
Latin Proverb
Though thou hast ever so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul. (Strauss, 1994 p. 1044)
English Proverb
Variety is the soul of pleasure. (Aphra Behn)
English Proverb
A salesman has pig's soul, sheep's brain and dog's conscience.
Finnish Proverb
Another person's soul is [in] darkness.
Russian Proverb
Real success is success of the soul.
Hebrew Proverb