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Dry Proverbs - page 3
Every fresh banana leaf should eventually become a dry banana leaf.
African Proverb
The leopard does not sleep on a dry branch.
African Proverb
However hot the sun, it will never dry the sea.
African Proverb
He who wanders along the beach doesn't eat his rice dry.
African Proverb
Even if you rease your clothes in very hot water you still need to dry them.
African Proverb
You can't catch fish on a dry line.
American Proverb
Eat when you are hungry; drink when you are dry.
American Proverb
There is never a debt is paid so high as that which the wet owes to the dry.
English Proverb
Sorrow is always dry.
English Proverb
Trust god and keep your powder dry.
English Proverb
Eat when you're hungry, and drink when you're dry.
English Proverb
Better a handful of dry dates and content therewith than to own the Gate of Peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.
Arabic Proverb
It is folly to drown on dry land.
Danish Proverb
Dry wood makes a quick fire.
Danish Proverb
We'll never know the worth of water till the well go dry.
Irish Proverb
Sweet are the tears that are dried by your loved one.
Portuguese Proverb
If I went to sea I should find it dry.
Italian Proverb
Ever drunk, ever dry.
Italian Proverb
Buttered bread always falls dry side up.
Jewish Proverb
Dry bread is better with love than a fat capon with fear.
Romanian Proverb
When the well is dry, we know what it's worth.
Swedish Proverb
A sorrowfu' heart's aye dry.
Scottish Proverb