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Dry Proverbs - page 2
Better dry bread in peacetime than meat in wartime.
Hungarian Proverb
In a fire, both green and dry wood burn.
Kurdish Proverb
A child does not die because the mother's breasts are dry.
Nigerian Proverb
A termite grows up in dry wood, and yet comes to maturity.
South African Proverb
The pool has dried up, and the fish is in trouble.
South African Proverb
It's pleasant to look on the rain, when one stands dry.
Dutch Proverb
A sea will not dry up, a nation will not get lost.
Russian Proverb
You can't catch trout with dry breeches.
Spanish Proverb
When you die, your sister's tears will dry as time goes on, your widow's tears will end in another's arms, but your mother will mourn you until the day she dies.
Arabic Proverb
Do not spread your corn to dry at an enemy's door.
Asturian Proverb
The leopard does not sleep on a dry branch.
Pigmy Proverb
When yuh see a man fishing in a dry pond don't call he a fool.
Bajan Proverb
The rebellious dwell in a dry land.
Biblical Proverb
Don't try to buy fish in the dry towns.
Darkovan Proverb
An Aleppine can sell even a dried donkey skin.
Styrian Proverb
A lazy person with a nephwe does not eat dry rice.
Swahili Proverb
Do me a favour during a rainy season and I shall do the same to you during the dry season.
Swahili Proverb
You won't get much fat from a dry bone.
Chinese Proverb
A dry finger cannot pick up salt.
Chinese Proverb
A river that forgets its source will soon dry out.
African Proverb
Truth is like fire it cannot be hidden under dry leaves.
African Proverb
Dry thunder that tears the sky doesn't make you forget the storm of yesterday.
African Proverb