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Grass Proverbs - page 4
Snake in the grass.
Romanian Proverb
Live, horse, and you'll get grass.
Romanian Proverb
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Swedish Proverb
After the rain the grass will grow; after wine, conversation.
Swedish Proverb
There grows nae grass at the market cross.
Scottish Proverb
The cow may dee ere the grass grow.
Scottish Proverb
Grass does not grow on the nose of a thief.
Nigerian Proverb
Green is the grass of the least trodden field.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb
Don't harvest grass that you don't recognize.
Sicilian Proverb
The pit allows the grass to fall in.
Kikuyu Proverb
I, the adhesive grass, will stick fast to you.
Xhosa Proverb
Cow's diets have never been sustained on grass grown in may.
Finnish Proverb
Without wind, the ears of the grass do not move.
Tywa Proverb
A plaster house, a horse at grass, a friend in words, are all mere glass.
Dutch Proverb
Horse, don't die yet, grass is coming.
French Proverb
No grass grows on a beaten road.
French Proverb
Grass will not grow on a volcano.
French Proverb
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe.
Russian Proverb
Grass doesn't grow on a busy street.
Spanish Proverb
A snake lies concealed in the grass.
Latin Proverb
A bleating sheep eats no grass.
Basque Proverb
Wait, steed, to graze on green grass.
Romanian Proverb