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Grass Proverbs - page 3
If it comes, it is golden; if it doesn't, it was made of grass.
Kashmir Proverb
When two elephants fight it is the grass that suffers.
Kiganda Proverb
Even if you are cunning, you will not tie water up in a bale of grass.
Lamba Proverb
It is the grass that knows where the snake goes.
Lamba Proverb
The goat eats the grass there where it is tied.
Bamoun Proverb
Even if you are cunning, you will not tie water up in a bale of grass.
Bantu Proverb
It is the grass that knows where the snake goes.
Bantu Proverb
One who has been bitten by a snake, when he sees grass he he gets afraid.
Swahili Proverb
Customers are jade; merchandise is grass.
Chinese Proverb
When the tree dies, the grass underneath withers.
Chinese Proverb
Grass fears the frost, frost fears the sun.
Chinese Proverb
A green grass in the green snake.
African Proverb
No matter how hungry the vulture, it will never eat grass.
African Proverb
The grass may be greener on the other side, but it is just as difficult to cut.
African Proverb
When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled.
African Proverb
While the grass grows the horse starves.
English Proverb
While the grass is growing the mare dies.
Danish Proverb
The laggard cow gets the sour grass.
Danish Proverb
Out of a little grass comes a great ass.
German Proverb
Where everyone goes, the grass never grows.
German Proverb
Stand so much until grass grows under your foot.
Persian Proverb
No grass grows on a beaten road.
Italian Proverb