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Believe Proverbs - page 4
What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't believe.
Sicilian Proverb
The more you know the less you believe.
Sicilian Proverb
A finn doesn't believe before he has seen.
Finnish Proverb
Women will believe any lie that is wrapped in praise.
French Proverb
Believe that, and drink some water.
French Proverb
To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.
French Proverb
You do not always have to believe what you see.
French Proverb
Women believe the strangest of lies as long as they are wrapped up in praise.
French Proverb
For him who does not believe in signs, there is no way to live in the world.
Russian Proverb
Of what you see, believe very little, of what you are told, nothing.
Spanish Proverb
Of your wife and your tried friend believe nothing but what you know for certain.
Spanish Proverb
Don't believe what you see, but only what I tell you.
Spanish Proverb
It is easier to believe than to go and ask.
Serbian Proverb
Quick to believe is quickly deceived.
Serbian Proverb
To believe is easier than investigation.
Serbian Proverb
What people in distress most wish for, they most readily believe.
Latin Proverb
We easily believe that which we hope for.
Latin Proverb
Believe him who speaks from experience.
Latin Proverb
Believe that you have it, and you will have it.
Latin Proverb
You should only believe half of what you see, and none of which you hear.
Latin Proverb
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Chinese Proverb
This nation doesn't believe in anything what Russia says. What a terrible danger it contains!
Finnish Proverb