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Believe Proverbs
Moscow does not believe in tears.
Russian Proverb
What you see is what you believe.
Somali Proverb
If men could see the epitaphs their friends write they would believe they had gotten into the wrong grave.
American Proverb
Never tell all that you know, or do all that you can, or believe all that you hear.
Portuguese Proverb
Do not tell all that you know, don't believe all you hear, and don't do all that you can.
Portuguese Proverb
It is easier to believe than to go and ask.
Slovenian Proverb
Only believe a woman one day later.
Kenyan Proverb
I believe what you say, i'm only surprised at what you do.
Egyptian Proverb
Believe the liar up to the door of his house and no further than that.
Egyptian Proverb
See and believe, and in order not to make a mistake, touch.
Colombian Proverb
If you are ready to believe, you are easy to deceive.
Darkovan Proverb
Do not believe that you will reach your destination without leaving the shore.
Chinese Proverb
If the fish comes out of the river to tell you that the crocodile has one eye, you should believe it.
African Proverb
The man who has eaten enough will never believe a hungry one.
Albanian Proverb
Few believe to err is human and to smack, divine.
American Proverb
Don't do all you can, spend all you have, believe all you hear, or tell all you know.
English Proverb
Who are ready to believe are easy to deceive.
German Proverb
Tell not all you know; believe not all you hear; do not all you are able.
German Proverb
If you wish to be good, first believe that you are bad.
Greek Proverb
What I believe in is all that is mine.
Polish Proverb
You have to believe in Gods to see them.
Hindi Proverb
The full belly does not believe in hunger.
Italian Proverb