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Turn Proverbs - page 4
One never loses by doing a good turn.
Romanian Proverb
Leave a jest when it pleases lest it turn to earnest.
Romanian Proverb
Shame shall fall them that shame thinks, to do themselves a good turn.
Scottish Proverb
A turn well done is soon done.
Scottish Proverb
He that does you an ill turn will ne'er forgie you.
Scottish Proverb
He that does his turn in time, sits half idle.
Scottish Proverb
An ill turn is soon done.
Scottish Proverb
When it is the turn of a man to become the head of a village, he does not need to diviner to tell him that he is destined to rule.
Nigerian Proverb
Who can tie an oven brush, weave a sackcloth and turn over chitterlings is ready for marriage.
Estonian Proverb
Pigs and children will turn out the way you teach them.
Sicilian Proverb
If you close the door, the devil will turn his back on you.
Sicilian Proverb
The man that serves is not prevented from being served in turn.
Kikuyu Proverb
Golden dishes will never turn black.
Yiddish Proverb
One good turn deserves another.
Dutch Proverb
Nothing is more easily blotted out than a good turn.
French Proverb
Better to turn back than to lose your way.
Russian Proverb
The one who enters the Turkish bath must never turn his back on a Greek.
Turkish Proverb
No matter how far down a wrong road you are, turn back.
Turkish Proverb
God defend you from the devil, the eye of a harlot, and the turn of a die.
Spanish Proverb
Jest so that it may not turn to earnest.
Spanish Proverb
We conquer and are conquered in our turn.
Latin Proverb
It is better to turn back than to persevere in an evil course.
Latin Proverb