Proverbs around the world
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Turn Proverbs - page 2
Blood will not turn water.
Hungarian Proverb
Small tree trunks can make the cart turn over.
Romanian Proverb
The lion won't turn on a barking puppy.
Romanian Proverb
When a sickle is drawn, it in turn draws the tree to which it is hooked.
Nigerian Proverb
If men were now to turn their hostility towards the cat, it would not be long before the domestic cat becomes a wild animal.
Nigerian Proverb
Playing with fire will eventually turn bitter.
Welsh Proverb
One good turn deserves another.
Vietnamese Proverb
Turn your tongue seven times before speaking.
French Proverb
Pray for revenge, and God will turn a deaf ear.
Russian Proverb
God give you luck, my son, for little wit must serve your turn.
Spanish Proverb
Turn of phrase.
Latin Proverb
Turn it inside and out.
Latin Proverb
"if you have no money, turn placeman!” as the court fool said to his sovereign.
German Proverb
There's no ill that doesn't turn out for the better.
Guatemalan Proverb
A bad habit that lasts more than a year may turn into a custom.
Ibo Proverb
Snakes turn milk into poison.
Asian-indian Proverb
All criminals turn preachers under the gallows.
Traditional Proverb
Let not turn fun to mischief.
Traditional Proverb
An infidel who does you good turn is not like a Muslim who does not.
Swahili Proverb
If you become a dog, turn into the dog of a wealthy family.
Japanese Proverb
Turn iron (or stone) into gold by the touch.
Chinese Proverb
A woman is like a banana; one alone can turn the whole bunch rotten.
African Proverb