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Daughter Proverbs - page 3
He that would the daughter win Must with the mother first begin.
English Proverb
A son is a son till he gets him a wife, but a daughter's a daughter the rest of your life.
English Proverb
Marry you son when you will, and your daughter when you can.
Danish Proverb
Better a daughter that has been slept on than a son who has been hanged.
Danish Proverb
Truth is the daughter of time.
German Proverb
A bustling mother makes a slothful daughter.
Portuguese Proverb
The lucky man has a daughter for his first-born.
Portuguese Proverb
Marry your son when you please, your daughter when you can.
Portuguese Proverb
Wipe the nose of your neighbour's son, and marry him to your daughter.
Portuguese Proverb
A busy women has a lazy daughter, a lazy women has a busy daughter.
Hungarian Proverb
Have a close look at the mother and then marry her daughter.
Hungarian Proverb
One likes the priest, someone else his wife, I prefer his daughter.
Hungarian Proverb
I tell my daughter, my daughter-in-law should understand it.
Hungarian Proverb
Truth is time's daughter.
Romanian Proverb
Like father, like son; like mother like daughter.
Romanian Proverb
Between promising and performing a man may marry his daughter.
Romanian Proverb
An oleit Mother makes a fweir Daughter.
Scottish Proverb
Make not twa mewes of ane daughter.
Scottish Proverb
Sit, sit, daughter, sit, because good fortune is coming.
Sicilian Proverb
Don't kiss blacksmith's daughter.
Sicilian Proverb
You reproach your daughter, but you mean your daughter-in-law.
Yiddish Proverb
Truth is the daughter of time.
Dutch Proverb