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Daughter Proverbs - page 2
Your son can be a prince, your daughter will be a mother.
Kurdish Proverb
Praise your horse tomorrow, your son when he has a beard, your daughter when she is married and yourself never.
Finnish Proverb
A tender-hearted mother makes a scabby daughter.
French Proverb
When Anger and Revenge get married, their daughter is called Cruelty.
Russian Proverb
Clever father, clever daughter; clever mother, clever son.
Russian Proverb
If you flatter the mother, you will embrace the daughter.
Russian Proverb
After your daughter is married, there comes a number of potential sons-in-law.
Russian Proverb
Look at the mother before marrying the daughter.
Turkish Proverb
Alas! father, another daughter is born to you.
Spanish Proverb
When a good offer comes for your daughter, don't wait till her father returns from market.
Spanish Proverb
A silly daughter teaches her mother how to bear children.
Ethiopian Proverb
The mother keeps on caring for her daughter while the daughter keeps on craving for her husband.
Kashmir Proverb
O daughter, i'm telling you. O daughter-in-law, listen to it.
Kashmir Proverb
As a daughter grows up she is like smuggled salt.
Chinese Proverb
No wise man takes responsibility for an eighteen-year-old daughter.
Chinese Proverb
Runaway son, a shining jewel; runaway daughter, tarnished.
Chinese Proverb
A father voodoos with his son and a mother voodoos with her daughter.
African Proverb
First a daughter, then a son, and the family's well begun.
American Proverb
My son's my son till he gets him a wife; my daughter's my daughter all of her life.
American Proverb
The daughter of a spry old woman makes a poor housekeeper.
American Proverb
Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.
English Proverb
A son is a son 'till he gets him a wife; a daughter's a daughter all her life.
English Proverb