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Daughter Proverbs
Only two things matter in this world: a son and a daughter.
Hindi Proverb
An indulgent mother makes a sluttish daughter.
Dutch Proverb
A bad labour, and a daughter after all.
Spanish Proverb
The son of a son is dear, the son of a daughter a stranger.
Lebanese Proverb
Hurriedness is not necessarily the daughter of foolishness, and delay is not necessarily the daughter of cowardice.
Puerto Rican Proverb
My daughter, as long as you keep quiet, much money will paid for your marriage.
Yemeni Proverb
My son is my son till he gets him a wife, but my daughter's my daughter all the days of her life.
Japanese Proverb
A mother and daughter fought, and fool thought they meant it.
Afghan Proverb
A diamond daughter turns to glass as a wife.
American Proverb
Truth is God's daughter.
Danish Proverb
He who would the daughter win, with the mother must begin.
German Proverb
Who the daughter would win, with mamma must begin.
German Proverb
Your son is your son until he marries, but your daughter is your daughter until you die.
Irish Proverb
Would you know your daughter? See her in company.
Portuguese Proverb
What is marriage, mother? Daughter, it is spinning, bearing children, and weeping.
Portuguese Proverb
A spoiled son becomes a gambler, while a spoiled daughter becomes a harlot.
Hindi Proverb
As you would have a daughter so choose a wife.
Italian Proverb
I speak to you, daughter; hear it daughter-in-law.
Italian Proverb
If you want the daughter, you must kiss the mother.
Italian Proverb
One daughter helps to marry the other.
Italian Proverb
A good son-in-law is like the acquisition of a new son; a bad one is like the loss of your daughter.
Jewish Proverb
Look at the mother, marry the daughter.
Hungarian Proverb