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White Proverbs - page 2
Many a white collar covers a dirty neck.
Irish Proverb
First God, then the white man.
Hindi Proverb
Under white ashes there is glowing coal.
Italian Proverb
The white coat does not make the miller.
Italian Proverb
Out of a white egg often comes a black chick.
Italian Proverb
February fill dyke, be it black or be it white.
Italian Proverb
Save something for the man that rides on the white horse.
Italian Proverb
Even the white lily casts a shadow.
Hungarian Proverb
Black christmas, white easter.
Hungarian Proverb
Black soil produces white bread.
Norwegian Proverb
White elephant born in the forest.
Thai Proverb
White wine strengthens the hip.
Sicilian Proverb
Black souls wear white shirts.
Ukrainian Proverb
When you shoot a zebra in the black stripe, the white dies too; shoot it in the white and the black dies too.
South African Proverb
Beware of a white Spaniard and a black Englishman.
Dutch Proverb
Black hens lays white eggs.
Dutch Proverb
A black hen lays a white egg.
French Proverb
White meal is not got out of a coal-sack.
French Proverb
Love makes the owl seem prettier than a white falcon.
Russian Proverb
A white day sheds light, and a black day sheds darkness.
Turkish Proverb
May you be as big as the white mountain.
Maasai Proverb
White men have too many chiefs.
Native American Proverb