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Egg Proverbs - page 4
He who feeds the hen ought to have the egg.
Danish Proverb
Hope is an egg, of which one man gets the yolk, another the white, and a third the shell.
Danish Proverb
Better half an egg than empty shells.
German Proverb
He has given the hen for the egg.
German Proverb
When the hen had laid an egg she cackles.
German Proverb
He'd offer you an egg if you promised not to break the shell.
Irish Proverb
Man is harder than a stone and more brittle than an egg.
Bulgarian Proverb
It is an egg of Columbus.
Hungarian Proverb
You cackle often, but never lay an egg.
Romanian Proverb
If you marry money the devil lays an egg in your storeroom.
Swedish Proverb
He would cheat the heron of her egg, though her two eyes were fixed on him.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb
As unsteady as an egg on a stick.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb
Better an egg today than the chicken tomorrow.
Sicilian Proverb
An egg today is better than a chicken tomorrow.
Vietnamese Proverb
An egg is an egg, said the boor, and took the goose's egg.
Dutch Proverb
Better half an egg than empty shells.
Dutch Proverb
Half an egg is better than an empty shell.
Dutch Proverb
Upon an egg the hen lays an egg.
French Proverb
Half an egg is better than an empty eggcup.
French Proverb
An egg is dear on Easter day.
Russian Proverb
Politics is a rotten egg; if broken, it stinks.
Russian Proverb
If a stone falls on an egg, it is bad for the egg; if an egg falls on a stone, it is still bad for the egg.
Turkish Proverb