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Egg Proverbs - page 3
All the smiths . . . can't mend a broken egg.
Darkovan Proverb
No one knows if a bird in flight has an egg in its stomach.
Dogon Proverb
A goshawk is an egg child, if sleeps hungry its his own fault.
Swahili Proverb
The responsibility of power is like holding an egg. Grasp it too tightly and it will drip through your fingers; hold it too loosely and it will drop and break.
Ghana Proverb
The first hen that cackles is the one that laid the egg.
Chinese Proverb
Hit a stone with an egg.
Chinese Proverb
Kill a hen to get the egg.
Chinese Proverb
Flies never infest an egg without cracks.
Chinese Proverb
It is easier to get a chicken back in the egg than to undo a slander.
Chinese Proverb
With time an egg will walk.
African Proverb
Whether the egg crashes on the coconut or the coconut crashes on the egg, it is the egg that suffers.
African Proverb
An egg shouldn't be deceived by the hardness of its shell; it cannot challenge a stone in a fight.
African Proverb
An egg today is better than a chicken tomorrow.
African Proverb
If you carry the egg basket do not dance.
African Proverb
The egg shows the hen where to hatch.
African Proverb
He who eats an egg foregoes a future meal of chicken soup.
African Proverb
An egg today is worth a hen tomorrow.
American Proverb
Bad the crow, bad the egg.
American Proverb
A rotten egg can't be spoiled.
American Proverb
Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
American Proverb
There's always a bad egg in every crowd.
American Proverb
He who steals an egg will steal a camel.
Arabic Proverb