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Stand Proverbs - page 3
Poor is the person who does not know when he has had enough. He who talks to a silent listener will soon stand naked.
Japanese Proverb
Fall six times, stand up seven.
Japanese Proverb
Due to the presence of fools wise people stand out.
Japanese Proverb
Virtue is not left to stand alone.
Chinese Proverb
Don't stand by the water and long for fish; go home and weave a net.
Chinese Proverb
Where the cattle stand together, the lion lies down hungry.
African Proverb
An empty sack cannot stand.
African Proverb
The sun will shine on those who stand before its shines and on those who kneel after under them.
African Proverb
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
American Proverb
Romance/ without finance/ don't stand a chance.
American Proverb
A full ear of corn will bend its head; an empty ear will stand upright.
American Proverb
Let every tub stand on its own bottom.
American Proverb
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
English Proverb
A house divided cannot stand.
English Proverb
Better play a small game than to stand out.
English Proverb
A house divided cannot stand.
Arabic Proverb
Do not stand in a dangerous place trusting in miracles.
Arabic Proverb
A man does not look behind the door unless he has stood there himself.
Danish Proverb
When the cat and the mouse agree the farmer doesn't stand a chance.
Danish Proverb
He must stand high that would see the end of his own destiny.
Danish Proverb
He who wants to tell the truth will always stand before closed doors.
Danish Proverb
Every tub must stand on its own bottom.
Danish Proverb