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Anger Proverbs - page 2
Let your anger set with the sun and not rise again.
Irish Proverb
May your anger set with the sun and not rise again with it.
Irish Proverb
Drunkenness and anger speak truthfully.
Irish Proverb
Drunkenness and anger, 'tis said tell the truth.
Irish Proverb
One word spoken in anger may spoil an entire life.
Greek Proverb
When anger comes, wisdom goes.
Hindi Proverb
Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest.
Hindi Proverb
Anger has no eyes.
Hindi Proverb
Even a fly has its anger.
Italian Proverb
A lover's anger is short-lived.
Italian Proverb
Anger increases love.
Italian Proverb
When a man finds that he was wrong to have refused to eat, he should leave his anger and play a harp to call for harmony.
Nigerian Proverb
Anger is the mother of treachery.
Welsh Proverb
A person who is outwardly calm has anger raging inside.
Filipino Proverb
When love is given, love should be returned, anger gives no life.
Hawaiian Proverb
Anger is a short madness.
Dutch Proverb
Forbear a quarrel with a friend to move: anger breeds hatred; concord sweetens love.
Dutch Proverb
There is no point of nurturing an anger inside us. Just let it go.
Indonesian Proverb
Who stands up with anger will sit down with loss.
Turkish Proverb
He who restrains his anger overcomes his greatest enemy.
Latin Proverb
In anger a man becomes dangerous to himself and to others.
Omaha Proverb
Do not allow anger to poison you.
Hopi Indian Proverb