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Praise Proverbs - page 4
Praise to the face is open disgrace.
Romanian Proverb
We praise in order to be praised in return.
Swedish Proverb
Praise gets closer than blame.
Swedish Proverb
Praise is easier got than kept.
Swedish Proverb
One talks against praise in order to hear it once again.
Swedish Proverb
Praise makes the good man better, blame makes the bad one worse.
Swedish Proverb
It's stinking praise comes oot o' ane's own mouth.
Scottish Proverb
Praise the fine day in the evening.
Scottish Proverb
When something happens, praise it.
Corsican Proverb
To keep one's tongue is worthy of praise.
Kikuyu Proverb
Praise the young and they will blossom.
Yiddish Proverb
Women will believe any lie that is wrapped in praise.
French Proverb
Women believe the strangest of lies as long as they are wrapped up in praise.
French Proverb
Don't praise your furnace when the house is cold.
Russian Proverb
Praise a fair day at night.
Russian Proverb
In the presence of your neighbor don't praise your wife or his.
Spanish Proverb
Never praise life in front of death, nor the beautiful day in front of night.
Spanish Proverb
Praise yourself, basket, for I want to sell you.
Spanish Proverb
It is a disgrace to be praised by those who deserve no praise.
Latin Proverb
Self praise is odious.
Latin Proverb
Praise a fair day at night.
Latin Proverb
One shouldn't praise the day before the evening.
German Proverb