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Trouble Proverbs - page 4
No one gets into trouble without his own help.
Danish Proverb
A good friend is recognized in times of trouble.
Bulgarian Proverb
Trouble shared is trouble halved.
Italian Proverb
A good friend is recognized in times of trouble.
Macedonian Proverb
Everyone his own trouble.
Hungarian Proverb
Love is full of trouble.
Romanian Proverb
He that has a white horse and a fair wife never wants trouble.
Romanian Proverb
He who marries a beauty marries trouble.
Nigerian Proverb
People in trouble remember Allah.
Nigerian Proverb
Who helps us in trouble is a true friend.
Estonian Proverb
Who leaves the old way for the new, the trouble not looked for, will be found there.
Sicilian Proverb
Though trouble be lame, it will arrive.
Sicilian Proverb
A person who will not take advice gets knowledge when trouble overtakes him.
Xhosa Proverb
A cake eaten in peace, is worth two in trouble.
French Proverb
Company in distress makes trouble less.
French Proverb
He that seeks trouble never misses.
French Proverb
Much kindred, much trouble.
French Proverb
The woman had no trouble, so she bought a piglet.
Russian Proverb
Trouble will rain on those who are already wet.
Spanish Proverb
A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Latin Proverb
Bring not a bagpipe to a man in trouble.
Latin Proverb
Over no home can the sign be hung: There is no trouble here.
Latin Proverb