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Trouble Proverbs - page 3
If you want to know secrets, seek for them in trouble or in pleasure.
Spanish Proverb
One boy is more trouble that a dozen girls.
English Proverb
If you are a leader of peace, listen to the discourse of the petitioner. Be not abrupt with him; that would trouble him.
Egyptian Proverb
The wiser the man, the more in trouble.
Kashmir Proverb
When you insult a klingon's honor, prepare for trouble.
Klingon Proverb
To trouble me is better than to forget me.
Nupe Proverb
In times of trouble, leniency becomes crime.
Traditional Proverb
Girl, do not exult in thy wedding dress; see how much trouble lurks behind it.
Styrian Proverb
Keep away from trouble and sing to it.
Styrian Proverb
When women increase in wealth, they are silent. But when they fall into trouble, the whole world gets to know.
Ghana Proverb
Void of a long-term plan will bring you trouble soon.
Chinese Proverb
All people are your relatives, therefore expect only trouble from them.
Chinese Proverb
One never comes to pray in the temple of three treasures if he is not in trouble.
Chinese Proverb
One guest does not trouble two hosts.
Chinese Proverb
A kinsman in trouble has to be saved, not blamed.
African Proverb
The word "yes" brings trouble; the word "no" leads to no evil.
African Proverb
He who marries a beauty marries trouble.
African Proverb
Tongue double brings trouble.
American Proverb
Let's face the facts and get at the root of trouble.
American Proverb
Never trouble trouble 'til trouble troubles you.
English Proverb
Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
English Proverb
Everything is small at the beginning and then grows; except trouble, which is big at the beginning and still grows.
Arabic Proverb