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Silence Proverbs
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Spanish Proverb
Silence is golden, speech is silver.
American Proverb
Silence is a brother of delight.
Arabic Proverb
Love and let the world know, hate in silence.
Egyptian Proverb
Silence is more than just a lack of words.
Egyptian Proverb
Even silence speaks.
Hausa Proverb
I grew up among wise men and found that there is nothing better for man than silence.
Sierra Leonean Proverb
Silence is also speech.
West African Proverb
If speech is of silver, silence is golden.
Yemeni Proverb
Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks.
Benin Proverb
Silence is the door of consent.
Berber Proverb
Silence makes irritation grow.
Japanese Proverb
Silence surpasses speech.
Japanese Proverb
The Potato grows in silence, The iron corrodes in silence.
Malay Proverb
The right answer to a fool is silence.
Afghan Proverb
Silence is the sign of approval.
Arabic Proverb
Wisdom consists of ten parts -- nine parts of silence and one part with few words.
Arabic Proverb
Be silent, or say something better than silence.
German Proverb
You must keep quiet or say only things that improve silence.
Greek Proverb
In the young, silence is better than speech.
Greek Proverb
Either remain quiet, or say things that improve the silence.
Greek Proverb
Silence betokens consent.
Persian Proverb