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Leaves Proverbs - page 3
He who hunts two hares leaves one and loses the other.
Japanese Proverb
The skill of using a mortar and pestle never leaves one.
Japanese Proverb
A beautiful flower is incomplete without its leaves.
Chinese Proverb
Do not dress in clothes made of leaves when going to put out a fire.
Chinese Proverb
Fallen leaves return to the root.
Chinese Proverb
No matter how tall the tree is, its leaves will always fall to the ground.
Chinese Proverb
When the big tree falls, the goat eats its leaves.
African Proverb
Truth is like fire it cannot be hidden under dry leaves.
African Proverb
The wise traveler leaves his heart at home.
African Proverb
The hen knows that dawn has arrived but it leaves the duty of crowing to the cock.
African Proverb
The gourd that never leaves the boozing centre attains cracks.
African Proverb
Even the dog leaves the market.
African Proverb
No matter how tall a tree might grow it will always shed its leaves on the ground.
African Proverb
True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare; false ones like autumn leaves, found everywhere.
American Proverb
Having finished the meal, the company leaves.
American Proverb
He that fears leaves must not come into a wood.
American Proverb
He quits his place well that leaves his friend there.
English Proverb
Green leaves and brown leaves fall from the same tree.
English Proverb
Slander leaves a score behind it.
Danish Proverb
Who leaves a son isn't really dead.
Danish Proverb
make your hay before the fine weather leaves you.
Irish Proverb
The one who does not make you happy when he arrives makes you happy when he leaves.
Bengali Proverb