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Patience Proverbs
There is no queue at the gate of Patience.
Moroccan Proverb
If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy.
Cameroon Proverb
Patience is a tree whose root is bitter, but its fruit is very sweet.
Canadian Proverb
Mother Nature, time and patience are the three best doctors.
Bulgarian Proverb
Patience is the most beautiful prayer.
Hindi Proverb
At the bottom of patience is heaven.
Tibetan Proverb
A handfull of patience is worth a bushel of brains.
Dutch Proverb
Even the saints' patience has its limits.
Mexican Proverb
Nothing is so full of victory as patience.
Madagascan Proverb
At the bottom of patience one finds heaven.
West African Proverb
Whoever plows with a team of donkeys must have patience.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Patience is the mother of a beautiful child.
Bantu Proverb
There is no bad patience.
Swahili Proverb
A proposal without patience breaks its own heart.
Japanese Proverb
Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit.
Afghan Proverb
Patience wears out stones.
American Proverb
With patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.
English Proverb
Patience is the key of joy; but haste is the key to sorrow.
Arabic Proverb
Patience is a virtue that causes no shame.
Irish Proverb
Patience is poultice for all wounds.
Irish Proverb
Pains and patience would take a snail to america.
Irish Proverb
There is not a tree in Heaven that is higher than the tree of patience.
Irish Proverb