Proverbs around the world
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Needs Proverbs - page 2
Good wind needs no bush.
Portuguese Proverb
A good appetite needs no sauce.
Polish Proverb
The buyer needs a hundred eyes; the seller but one.
Italian Proverb
A man of straw needs a woman of gold.
Italian Proverb
He who will not serve one master must needs serve many.
Italian Proverb
To become rich in this world, it needs only to turn one's back on God.
Italian Proverb
Blessed is the man who has friends, but woe to him who needs them.
Czech Proverb
A cold needs the cook as much as the doctor.
Scottish Proverb
It is one word of advice that one needs to give to a wise man, and that word keeps multiplying in his mind.
Nigerian Proverb
Man's mind is a watch that needs winding daily.
Welsh Proverb
Speak what needs to be said, or stay silent.
Icelandic Proverb
An empty barn needs no roof.
Finnish Proverb
He needs a long candle who awaits the death of another.
Finnish Proverb
Good right needs good help.
Dutch Proverb
It needs a cunning hand to shave a fool's head.
Dutch Proverb
A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
Dutch Proverb
Good wine needs no bush.
Dutch Proverb
Where there is no sore there needs no plaister.
French Proverb
A blind man's wife needs no paint.
Spanish Proverb
A good paymaster needs no security.
Spanish Proverb
Even the best horse needs to be spurred.
Mexican Proverb
Be satisfied with the needs instead of the wants.
Native American Proverb