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Few Proverbs - page 3
A fool has few friends.
American Proverb
Choose you friends like your books: few but choice.
American Proverb
He who laughs at others' woes finds few friends and many foes.
American Proverb
Many friends, few helpers.
American Proverb
To one who understands, few words are needed.
American Proverb
Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well.
English Proverb
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
English Proverb
Few are fit to be entrusted with themselves.
English Proverb
You can't win them all.You win a few, you lose a few.
English Proverb
A truth-telling woman has few friends.
Danish Proverb
Do as others do, and few will mock you.
Danish Proverb
Few words are best.
Danish Proverb
Kind words and few are a woman's ornament.
Danish Proverb
Few have luck, all have death.
Danish Proverb
Don't stop sowing just because the birds ate a few seeds.
Danish Proverb
Weighty work must be done with few words.
Danish Proverb
At court there are many hands, but few hearts.
German Proverb
Fat hens lay few eggs.
German Proverb
'But' is a fence over which few leap.
German Proverb
"but” is a fence over which few leap.
German Proverb
Many people wash their hands to have dinner with the bishop, only a few sit down to his table.
Bulgarian Proverb
Better wrong with the many than right with the few.
Portuguese Proverb