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Hunger Proverbs - page 4
Hunger goes in a straight line, desire turns in circles.
Romanian Proverb
Hunger is hard in a heal man.
Scottish Proverb
Quhiles the hawk hes, and whiles he hunger hes.
Scottish Proverb
If hunger forces a farmer in a particular year to eat both his yam tubers and the seed-yams, the succeeding years would still be worse because he would have no yams to eat and none to plant.
Nigerian Proverb
Who lives in lust will die in hunger for fat.
Estonian Proverb
Hunger never saw bad bread.
Sicilian Proverb
The brave eat the soup, the timid die of hunger.
Finnish Proverb
He who stands by his point of view, must be ready to suffer hunger.
Yiddish Proverb
Cold strengthens you more than hunger.
Yiddish Proverb
Hunger is the best sauce.
Dutch Proverb
Hunger looks in at the industrious man's door but dares not enter.
French Proverb
A good meal ought to begin with hunger.
French Proverb
No one ever saw a goat dead of hunger.
French Proverb
A satiated man doesn't know what's hunger, a healthy man doesn't know what's disease.
Turkish Proverb
He who lives on hope, dies of hunger.
Turkish Proverb
Hunger is good kitchen.
Spanish Proverb
Hunger and cold give a man up to his enemy.
Spanish Proverb
Satiety has killed more men than hunger.
Latin Proverb
Hunger teaches us many a lesson.
Latin Proverb
It is better to satisfy our hunger than to be clothed in purple.
Latin Proverb
Hunger sharpens anger.
Latin Proverb
Hunger and thirst scarcely kill any, But gluttony and drink kill a great many.
Latin Proverb