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Goat Proverbs - page 2
The lame goat does not take a siesta.
Portuguese Proverb
If the goat had a longer tail he could wipe the stars clean.
Czech Proverb
A man with good judgment does not make the goat his gardener.
Hungarian Proverb
A prudent man does not make the goat his gardener.
Hungarian Proverb
Without driving even a goat would not go to the market.
Hungarian Proverb
A shy woman is worth a city, a shy man is worth a goat.
Kurdish Proverb
A goat owned by two people sleeps outside.
Nigerian Proverb
When will the goat be strong enough to kill a leopard.
Nigerian Proverb
The cry of the hyena and the loss of the goat are one.
Nigerian Proverb
The older the goat the tighter the rope.
Lithuanian Proverb
The goat that has many owners will be left to die in the sun.
Haitian Proverb
Lickle bit a ram goat have beard an' big dull noh have nun.
Jamaican Proverb
You're correct, but the goat is mine.
Corsican Proverb
Better a goat that can give milk than a cow that cannot.
Estonian Proverb
If you're short of trouble take a goat.
Finnish Proverb
Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back or a fool from any side.
Yiddish Proverb
The impatient person eats goat; the one who hesitates eats beef.
South African Proverb
The heart is like a goat that has to be tied up.
South African Proverb
I paid a goat because I blaabed.
Ethiopian Proverb
A particle of goat dung cannot be eaten by a large gourd.
Maasai Proverb
A goat never grazes in the same place.
Duala Proverb
Dog eats excreta, but goat gets rotten teeth.
Ibo Proverb