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Hen Proverbs - page 4
The neighbor's hen is a goose to a neighbor.
Persian Proverb
A woman and a hen are soon lost through gadding.
Portuguese Proverb
Grain by grain the hen fills her crop.
Portuguese Proverb
Prepare a nest for the hen and she will lay eggs for you.
Portuguese Proverb
Mad as a wet hen.
Portuguese Proverb
A hen that cackles much lays only a few eggs.
Hungarian Proverb
Even a blind hen can find a grain.
Hungarian Proverb
He that comes of a hen must scrape.
Romanian Proverb
It's a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
Scottish Proverb
Don't let the chicken into the hen house in January.
Sicilian Proverb
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock, the house is in a jumble.
Sicilian Proverb
The woman like the hen, gets lost if she walks too far.
Sicilian Proverb
What has the rooster of Sciacca been reduced to, to be pecked by the hen.
Sicilian Proverb
The laying hen says: give me feed to fill my beak and I'll give you eggs.
Sicilian Proverb
Upon an egg the hen lays an egg.
French Proverb
A blind hen can sometimes find her corn.
French Proverb
Better walk before a hen than behind an ox.
French Proverb
Never did capon love a hen.
French Proverb
A wise fox will never rob his neighbour's hen roost.
French Proverb
Eggs cannot teach a hen.
Russian Proverb
The hen lays upon an egg.
Spanish Proverb
A whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men.
Latin Proverb