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Hen Proverbs - page 3
Cockroach ain't have nuh right at hen party.
Bajan Proverb
The first hen that cackles is the one that laid the egg.
Chinese Proverb
Kill a hen to get the egg.
Chinese Proverb
The turtle lays thousands of eggs without anyone knowing, but when the hen lays an egg, the whole country is informed.
Malay Proverb
The hen knows that dawn has arrived but it leaves the duty of crowing to the cock.
African Proverb
If you want to blame the fox, then blame the hen too.
African Proverb
The egg shows the hen where to hatch.
African Proverb
The fox must be chased away first after that the hen might be warned against wandering into the bush.
African Proverb
The cockroach cannot be innocent in a court where the hen is judge.
African Proverb
No matter how small a pin can be a hen cannot swallow it.
African Proverb
A whistling girl and a cackling hen come to no good end.
American Proverb
An egg today is worth a hen tomorrow.
American Proverb
Eggs can't teach the hen.
American Proverb
Ye'll no sell your hen in a rainy day.
English Proverb
Your thrift's as gude as the profit o' a yeld hen.
English Proverb
A hen is heavy when carried far.
English Proverb
Rather the egg to-day than the hen to-morrow.
Danish Proverb
He who feeds the hen ought to have the egg.
Danish Proverb
It is not easy to guard the hen that lays her eggs abroad.
Danish Proverb
It is a bad hen that lays in neighbour's houses.
German Proverb
He has given the hen for the egg.
German Proverb
The hen likes to lay in a nest where there are eggs already.
German Proverb