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Hen Proverbs - page 2
It is a bad hen that does not scratch herself.
Irish Proverb
It is a bad hen can't scrape for herself.
Irish Proverb
A hen is heavy when carried far.
Irish Proverb
A whistling woman and a crowing hen will bring no luck to the house they are in.
Irish Proverb
The Blind hen, when it sees again, wants even to mount the cock.
Bulgarian Proverb
The Chicken teaches the hen to lay eggs.
Bulgarian Proverb
Where the cock is the hen does not crow.
Portuguese Proverb
The hen that stays at home picks up the crumbs.
Portuguese Proverb
Better is my neighbour's hen than mine.
Portuguese Proverb
Truth is scraped out even by a hen.
Hungarian Proverb
The hen that cackles in the evening lays no eggs in the morning.
Romanian Proverb
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
Romanian Proverb
When one is taking a chicken from its roost, the hen is bound to attack with at least its claws.
Nigerian Proverb
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock, the house is topsy-turvy.
Maltese Proverb
Who goes to catch a partridge will lose a hen.
Estonian Proverb
It is not the hen which cackles most that lays most eggs.
Dutch Proverb
A black hen lays a white egg.
French Proverb
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
French Proverb
A hungry hen sees herself in a wheat silo.
Turkish Proverb
Grain by grain the hen fills her crop.
Spanish Proverb
Bad hen, bad egg.
Latin Proverb
When the hen steps on the feet of her chicken, she does not mean to kill them.
Akan Proverb