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Hen Proverbs
When a hen is brooding, another hen cannot sit on her eggs.
Sudanese Proverb
The robin and the wren are God's cock and hen; the martin and the swallow are God's mate and marrow.
Tanzanian Proverb
Add up your pennies, and buy a hen.
Polish Proverb
Ask which was born first, the hen or the egg.
Italian Proverb
If the hen had not cackled, we should not know she had laid an egg.
Italian Proverb
There is little peace in that house where the hen crows and the cock is mute.
Italian Proverb
Every cackling hen was an egg at first.
Rwandan Proverb
The hen lays an egg, and the cock feels the pain in his backside.
Moroccan Proverb
An old hen makes strong soup.
Netherlands Antillean Proverb
A hen does not break her own eggs.
Swahili Proverb
The hen tells the cock to crow.
Japanese Proverb
When the hen gets fat, she stops lying.
Afghan Proverb
It is unwise for one to think that a hen will ever be accorded respect in the land of the hawks.
African Proverb
Even the hen looks toward heaven when she drinks.
Albanian Proverb
A cackling hen doesn't always lay.
American Proverb
A whistling girl and a crowing hen never came to a good end.
American Proverb
If you are a cock, crow; if a hen, lay eggs.
American Proverb
A black hen lays a white egg.
English Proverb
The scraping hen will get something; the crouching hen nothing.
Danish Proverb
If the hen did not cackle no one would know what she had been about.
Danish Proverb
Blind hen also finds grains.
Danish Proverb
The miller's hen and widower's maid, of want need never be afraid.
German Proverb