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Little by little the mouse finishes the hide.
Sukuma Proverb
The hyena does not forget where it has hidden its kill.
Tongan Proverb
To despise the ox means to despise also a strip of hide from it.
Bajan Proverb
You can hide a mark on your skin, but not a defect.
Burundi Proverb
You may hide the fire, but what about the smoke?
Creole Proverb
Stretch hide while it is still green.
Swahili Proverb
Even if you hide yourself from the world, don't lose sight of your real nature.
Japanese Proverb
You cannot hide behind your finger.
Ghana Proverb
A single merit cannot make a hundred demerits fade; a hundred merits cannot hide a single demerit.
Chinese Proverb
If you walk on snow you cannot hide your footprints.
Chinese Proverb
You can't hide the smoke when the house is burning.
African Proverb
A hypocrite's hatred is hidden behind flattering words.
African Proverb
A person's character is like pregnancy it cannot be hidden.
African Proverb
Truth cannot be hidden forever beneath evil.
African Proverb
Truth is like fire it cannot be hidden under dry leaves.
African Proverb
If you knock your head against a wall, then a coconut tree and pillar and your head still remains undamaged my child, go and hide that head of yours; it is a good head.
African Proverb
If you run too fast you bypass a safe place you would have hidden yourself.
African Proverb
You can hide wine in a gourd but not in the belly.
African Proverb
Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.
African Proverb
The animal hide can best be straightened and smoothened when still fresh.
African Proverb
A fair face may hide a foul heart.
American Proverb
A friend cannot be known in prosperity nor an enemy be hidden in adversity.
English Proverb