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I kiss thee hide, because thou art to be a wine-bag.
Portuguese Proverb
A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
Hindi Proverb
A hidden sin is half forgiven.
Italian Proverb
Love, a cough, and smoke, are hard to hide.
Italian Proverb
The ass's hide is used to the stick.
Italian Proverb
The dog that is quarrelsome and not strong, woe to his hide.
Italian Proverb
There is no coat big enough to hide both poverty and drunkenness.
Hungarian Proverb
Gloves hide the ugliest hands.
Romanian Proverb
We do not use our bare feet to search for hidden thorns which we have seen in day time.
Nigerian Proverb
Who says the oasis in the desert is happy because of its hidden spring of water?
Nigerian Proverb
What's good is often forgotten; what's bad is often hidden.
Norwegian Proverb
When cockroach get in a trouble, him well glad fe fun go hide a fowl-house.
Jamaican Proverb
Noh care how boar hog try fi hide under sheep wool, ‘im grunt always betray ‘im.
Jamaican Proverb
Money from poor men and balls from dogs, impossible to hide.
Corsican Proverb
The devil likes to hide behind a cross.
Ukrainian Proverb
You hide the fact you hate me; I hide the fact I know.
Rwandan Proverb
There are hidden purposes behind an act.
Indonesian Proverb
Discretion is knowing how to hide that which we cannot remedy.
Spanish Proverb
Hide the mouthfuls of food.
Maasai Proverb
No matter how hidden a force is, it will attract some kind of resistance.
Native American Proverb
A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
Native American Proverb
Don't go selling the hide while the bear remains in the hole.
Yugoslav Proverb