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Elephant Proverbs - page 4
Even a big elephant can be caught in one female hair.
Chinese Proverb
Man's heart is never satisfied; the snake would swallow the elephant.
Chinese Proverb
Better the cold blast of winter than the hot breath of a pursuing elephant.
Chinese Proverb
When riding on top of an elephant do not assume there is no dew in the thicket.
African Proverb
When elephant steps on a trap, no more trap.
African Proverb
An elephant does not die from one broken rib.
African Proverb
Even if thin, the elephant remains the king of the forest.
African Proverb
Everywhere there is a lot of mad even an elephant will slip.
African Proverb
The noise produced by frogs in the well can't stop an elephant from drinking.
African Proverb
It is a stupid dog that barks at an elephant.
African Proverb
When an elephant is dead, a hare will not smell.
African Proverb
Who follows the elephant will have no problems.
African Proverb
Even if the elephant is thin he is still the lord of the jungle.
African Proverb
Even though the elephant is huge enough it cannot carry a big tail.
African Proverb
Don't enter a defecating competition against an elephant.
African Proverb
An elephant that kills a rat cannot be considered a hero.
African Proverb
One day cannot make an elephant rot.
African Proverb
Gnats, in great number, can beat an elephant.
Arabic Proverb
Justice is better than admiration If you are going to kill, then kill an elephant; if you are going to steal make sure it's a treasure.
Hindi Proverb
With a resolute heart, a mouse can lift an elephant. Spreading the news is also multiplying it.
Tibetan Proverb
An elephant has enormous dung -- don't try to defecate like an elephant. Don't try to wipe someone else's ass if yours is unwiped.
Tibetan Proverb
An elephant in the china shop.
Hungarian Proverb