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Law Proverbs - page 4
Necessity has no law.
Italian Proverb
No sooner is a law made than a way around it is discovered.
Italian Proverb
No sooner is the law made than its evasion is discovered.
Italian Proverb
To do things wrong with best intentions is better than acting to the letter of the law with evil intentions.
Jewish Proverb
Custom rules the law.
Romanian Proverb
The law grows of sin, and chastises it.
Romanian Proverb
The law is good, if a man use it lawfully.
Romanian Proverb
Every law has a loophole.
Romanian Proverb
In distress there is no law.
Swedish Proverb
Shew me the man, and I will shew you the Law.
Scottish Proverb
A wise lawyer never goes to law himself.
Scottish Proverb
The law is three days older than the earth.
Estonian Proverb
Necessity knows no law.
Dutch Proverb
Possession is nine points of the law.
French Proverb
Necessity has no law.
French Proverb
There is no law written for fools ( if it is written it's not read, if it is read it's not understood, if it is understood, in the wrong way).
Russian Proverb
Custom is stronger than law.
Russian Proverb
When violence comes into the house, law and justice leave through the chimney.
Turkish Proverb
The rich man transgresses the law, and the poor man is punished.
Spanish Proverb
Some go to law, for the wagging of a straw.
Spanish Proverb
The law of requital of injury by injury.
Latin Proverb
Necessity recognizes no law.
Latin Proverb