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Law Proverbs - page 2
Love has no law.
Portuguese Proverb
Love knows no law.
Portuguese Proverb
Much law, but little justice.
Portuguese Proverb
Like king, like law; like law, like people.
Portuguese Proverb
Nonviolence is the supreme law of life.
Hindi Proverb
Better no law than laws not enforced.
Italian Proverb
In a thousand pounds of law there is not one ounce of love.
Italian Proverb
As soon as a new law is made, a way around it is devised.
Italian Proverb
Hard is a new law imposed on old licence.
Italian Proverb
He that loves law will soon get his fill of it.
Scottish Proverb
Custom and law are sisters.
Slovak Proverb
The law is not made for the rich.
Maltese Proverb
It is the law that judges, not the judge.
Norwegian Proverb
Agree, agree, for the law is costly.
Dutch Proverb
Law is a flag and gold is the wind that makes it wave.
Russian Proverb
Fear the law not the judge.
Russian Proverb
Custom becomes law.
Spanish Proverb
Every law is broken to become a king.
Spanish Proverb
Hunger has no law; it's just hungry.
Honduran Proverb
The supreme law of the land is the Great Spirit's law, not man's law.
Hopi Indian Proverb
There's one law for the rich, and another for the poor.
Traditional Proverb
The law helps those who watch, not those who sleep.
Traditional Proverb