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Black Proverbs - page 2
The devil is never so black as he is painted.
German Proverb
A swan would die with pride only for its black feet.
Irish Proverb
Out of a white egg often comes a black chick.
Italian Proverb
By night all cats are black.
Italian Proverb
February fill dyke, be it black or be it white.
Italian Proverb
Black christmas, white easter.
Hungarian Proverb
Black soil produces white bread.
Norwegian Proverb
Black souls wear white shirts.
Ukrainian Proverb
When you shoot a zebra in the black stripe, the white dies too; shoot it in the white and the black dies too.
South African Proverb
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
Dutch Proverb
Beware of a white Spaniard and a black Englishman.
Dutch Proverb
Black hens lays white eggs.
Dutch Proverb
The pot upbraids the kettle that it is black.
Dutch Proverb
A black hen lays a white egg.
French Proverb
Crows are black the world over.
Russian Proverb
Coffee should be black as Hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.
Turkish Proverb
A white day sheds light, and a black day sheds darkness.
Turkish Proverb
A malicious man is like a coal sack -- black on the outside and even blacker inside.
Spanish Proverb
All poor people ain't black/ and all black people ain't poor.
African American Proverb
Black people must stop acting like crabs in a barrel and work together.
African American Proverb
Black sheep of the family.
African American Proverb
To the white horse the zebra said: 'i am white too,' and to the black horse: 'i am really black.'
Namibian Proverb