Proverbs around the world
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Ground Proverbs
Can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.
Hindi Proverb
The lizard that jumped from the high iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did.
African Proverb
A man must put grain in the ground before he can cut the harvest.
Gypsy Proverb
The white man lives in the castle; when he dies, he lies in the ground.
Ghana Proverb
Our real grave is not in the ground but in men's hearts.
Persian Proverb
Giving advice to the ignorant is like the rain falling on muddy ground.
Persian Proverb
When the bed breaks, there is the ground to lie on.
Hindi Proverb
Plant rice when the ground is ready; pursue women when you feel passion.
Tibetan Proverb
If you lie on the ground, you cannot fall.
Jewish Proverb
The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.
Mexican Proverb
The dead to his burial ground, and the living to his fooling around.
Mexican Proverb
When the earth is hot, the worm stays in the ground.
Native American Proverb
Do not waste your time looking for soft ground to drive your spade in.
Madagascan Proverb
Even the loftiest of mountains begins on the ground.
Moroccan Proverb
We are all flesh and blood of the earth and so will return to the ground as rotten maggot encrusted relics.
Togolese Proverb
Any ground is good enough to be buried in.
Japanese Proverb
Rained on ground hardens.
Japanese Proverb
The winds may fell the massive oak, but bamboo, bent even to the ground, will spring upright after the passage of the storm.
Japanese Proverb
However high you lift the kid goat, you place it gently on the ground.
Ghana Proverb
No matter how high the squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall onto the ground.
Malay Proverb
Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.
Malay Proverb
A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground.
African Proverb