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Late Proverbs - page 4
God neither hurries, nor is late.
Hungarian Proverb
He who comes late gets bones for lunch.
Hungarian Proverb
He that hurries will be late.
Hungarian Proverb
Better late than never.
Swedish Proverb
He who fears every bush, comes late to the wood.
Swedish Proverb
Better late thrive then never.
Scottish Proverb
Come it aire, come it late, in May comes the Cow-quake.
Scottish Proverb
Who is late will be left without.
Estonian Proverb
Timely rain cheers my soul; water and sun during seeding, inspires hope; the rains of April and May are late at night; then the good mornings, will be the wealth of the houses.
Sicilian Proverb
If the olive trees blossom in April, you'll have enough to collect them with barrels; if they bud in May, you'll have enough to fill a small measure; but if as late as June, you'll only be collecting handfuls.
Sicilian Proverb
The dog that's late is bringing the catch.
Sicilian Proverb
Late marriages, premature orphans.
Sicilian Proverb
Had you gotten up early, you wouldn't have needed to stay up late.
Yiddish Proverb
It's never too late to die or get married.
Yiddish Proverb
A little too late is much too late.
Dutch Proverb
When had comes, have is too late.
Dutch Proverb
A late Easter, a long cold spring.
French Proverb
It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.
French Proverb
He who is waiting for someone else's bowl often dines late.
French Proverb
Too late to grieve when the chance is past.
French Proverb
Too late the bird cries out when it is caught.
French Proverb
It is too late for the bird to scream when it is caught.
French Proverb