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Play Proverbs - page 4
Watching is a part of good play.
Irish Proverb
When the cat's away the mice will play.
Portuguese Proverb
Many people can pack the cards; fewer can play the game.
Italian Proverb
Don't play with the bear if you don't want to be bit.
Italian Proverb
Who knows not the game, let him not play.
Italian Proverb
The stake of the play is not beans.
Hungarian Proverb
Play, women, and wine undo men laughing.
Romanian Proverb
Did you ever hear an ass play on a harp?
Romanian Proverb
Play with your peers.
Scottish Proverb
It is na play where ane greits, and another laughs.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen the Play is best, it is best to lear.
Scottish Proverb
The lesse play the better.
Scottish Proverb
If you don't wish to have rags for clothes, don't play with a dog.
Nigerian Proverb
First harvest honey and wax during the day, then dance and play in the open during the evening.
Sicilian Proverb
The beauty of the play is to do deeds and speak little.
Sicilian Proverb
You may crush, bleed, stamp on and scratch me, but I won't play with fire.
Sicilian Proverb
If you play with a cat, you must not mind her scratch.
Yiddish Proverb
In life, each of us must sometimes play the fool.
Yiddish Proverb
You play with edged tools.
French Proverb
When it sees money, the flute will play itself.
Turkish Proverb
When the cat's away the rats will play.
Spanish Proverb
The mice will never play with the kittens.
Spanish Proverb